Do I need a Side Burner?

A side burner is a separately controlled cooking surface with its own burner, positioned adjacent to the main grill. It can significantly enhance your outdoor cooking experience by providing additional space and flexibility.

  • Increase Cooking Capacity: A side burner adds extra cooking surface area, allowing you to cook more food simultaneously. This is especially helpful when preparing large meals or hosting gatherings.

  • Temperature Control: If you're cooking different types of food that require varying temperatures, a side burner gives you the ability to adjust the heat separately from the main grill. This feature is ideal for dishes that need gentle simmering while the main grill operates at a higher heat.

  • Versatility: Whether it's sautéing vegetables, boiling water, or keeping sauces warm, a side burner adds versatility to your grill setup. It lets you prepare side dishes without taking up space on your main grilling surface.

In summary, if you're someone who enjoys multitasking while cooking or frequently hosts larger gatherings, a side burner can be a valuable addition to your grill, offering more space and control over your meals.