How do I choose my chaise sectional orientation?

Left-Arm vs. Right-Arm Orientation

  • Left-Arm Chaise Sectional: The chaise lounge is on the left side when you are facing the sectional.
  • Right-Arm Chaise Sectional: The chaise lounge is on the right side when you are facing the sectional.

Factors to Consider:

  1. Room Layout: Assess the space where you plan to place the sectional. If your room flows better with the chaise on one side versus the other, this can help determine the orientation.

  2. Foot Traffic Flow: Consider how people move through the room. You’ll want to avoid the chaise blocking entryways or becoming an obstacle in a high-traffic area.

  3. Furniture Arrangement: Think about where other furniture pieces will be placed. For example, if you have a coffee table or additional seating, choose the orientation that best complements their placement.

  4. Window and View Access: If your room has windows, a view, or a focal point (such as a TV), make sure the chaise sectional’s orientation allows easy viewing while reclining on the chaise.

Choosing the right orientation ensures that your sectional fits harmoniously within the room and makes your space more functional and comfortable.