This topic comes up from time to time and we do our best to educate our customers on the cause of whistling. Please give these two videos you attention:

As the above video demonstrates, the gas lines you chose to use could be causing a whistle, as gas travels through them. A whistling sound can also be caused by standard gas pipe or by elbows that change the direction of the gas aggressively. Does your fire pit have any of these scenarios in your installation?
The Difference Between Black Pipe & Galvanized Pipe
QUICK TIP to stop your fire pit from whistling 
As the above video demonstrates, gas is not going to be completely quiet. There is always going to be a sound from the flow of gas. There comes a point, though, where the burner is "Maxed out." What does this mean? Well, A burner can only push so much gas through it. The whistle sound you are hearing, could be caused by too much gas being forced through the burner. If you have plenty of gas pressure, this could be a "Bittersweet" situation. You will want to dial it down just a "hair," as mentioned in the video.

What are some other situations that cause whistling?
1.) Gas leak/improper installation. This is scary to hear, but if gas connections are not installed properly (Including gas fittings, NPT & Flared, key valves and other components), this could cause a whistle as well. The most common mistake we see is gas tape/gas compound on flared fittings:

2.) Some burners have minor imperfections in the drilled burner ports (Small pieces of metal, debris, etc). You can try the method shown in this video to remedy the situation:
Drilling Burner Ports for Whistling and increase flame height
We hope this helps! Please read through the information thoroughly and if you need further assistance, please let us know.
Need more help? Feel free to send us thorough & details Photos and/or video (<-- Click there) of your fire pit installation.
*Keep in mind the more images, the better. Only showing/explaining a portion of the installation can cause a delay to our response or require us to inquire of more details.