My Powerglow isn't working...

Our Powerglow ignition is straightforward, secure, and user-friendly. Occasionally, our customers may require additional assistance with installation or troubleshooting, and that's precisely what this article is designed to address.

We're happy to assist you with your PowerGlow Ignition System.

The first two resources are the videos you see below:

After watching thoroughly the videos and examining all details of your installation, confirm the differences between your installation and how it should be installed per the video.

Here are a few of the most common installation errors that arise:


1.) Is the green ground wire "Grounded"? You will see in the video we have a section on the power glow box specific to ground this wire.

2.) Is the provided transformer being used and within 50' of the power glow system? If not, this could be the cause of what you are experiencing.

3.) Is the proper gauge wire being used? This is outlines in our owner's manual <-- Click this link

Gas Connections/Gas supply:

1.) Confirm all NPT Fittings do have the required pipe joint compound and all FLARED/Compression fittings are without Pipe Joint Compound.

2.) Has the Gas line been purged and have you allowed the PowerGlow 5-10 minutes to cycle on a fresh installation?

3.) What is the Gas pressure and Volume at your fire pit location? This will have an affect on how this system runs. (1/2 PSI or 7-13" W.C.).

Fire Pit Construction:

This is crucial for our Powerglow Ignition. The following points are imperative, especially when using an electronic ignition: 

  • Proper Venting (Quantity & Placement): Please watch out helpful video👈 (Click Here) which covers almost every reason vents are needed. 
    • Drainage: Vents serve a secondary purpose of drainage for the fire pit. If your fire pit does not have vents, in the few cases this is acceptable, proper drainage is imperative.
  • Height of the fire pit: The height of your fire pit will need to accommodate the electronic ignition. 

Below you will find an excerpt from one our manufacturer's owner's manuals also explaining what we just stated above. 

This principle can be found inline with our recommendation to use an NFI Certified Installer. This excerpt is found in our Powerglow Ignition Owner's Manual.


1.) This was an inground installation with no drainage, vents, and the customer was on propane. Talk about a recipe for disaster....

Because of the lack of vents, & Drainage, the ground level fire pit filled up with water, flooding the electronic ignition with water. 

After confirming your installation is adjusted or confirmed to be meeting all the above requirements and you are still experiencing issues, please fill out this form: Technical Support and Warranty Form. 👈Click this Link