Should I choose a grill with a side burner?

A side burner, while not essential for grilling, offers added convenience that can enhance your outdoor cooking experience. Here’s how to decide if it’s the right choice for you:

1. Added Convenience:

  • Multitasking: A side burner allows you to cook side dishes, boil water, or reduce sauces without having to leave your grill. This can save you time by letting you prepare the entire meal outdoors rather than running back and forth to your kitchen.

2. Versatile Cooking:

  • Expanding Your Options: With a side burner, you can make dishes like sautéed vegetables, pasta, or even simmer a sauce, all while grilling your main course. It adds versatility, making your grill an all-in-one cooking station.

3. Fuel Consumption:

  • Fuel Usage Considerations: Since the side burner draws from your grill’s fuel source, it can deplete propane tanks faster for gas grillers. For those who use their side burner frequently, this is something to keep in mind, as it could lead to more frequent refills.

4. Ideal for Outdoor Kitchens:

  • Seamless Cooking: If you have an outdoor kitchen setup or frequently cook meals entirely outdoors, a side burner can be invaluable. It ensures that you don’t need to go indoors to complete your meal preparation.