What is a transformer?

A transformer is an electrical device that is used to change the voltage level in an electrical circuit. It works by reducing (or increasing) the voltage from one level to another, ensuring that the electrical equipment or devices connected to the circuit can operate safely and efficiently.

In Relation to Patio Heaters and Other Outdoor Equipment:

  • Voltage Reduction: In the context of patio heaters or other outdoor equipment, a transformer is often required to step down the line voltage (typically 120V or 240V) to a lower voltage, such as 24V, which is the operating voltage for many low-voltage control systems or electronic components.
  • Safe Power Supply: Many control panels, ignitions, and timers in heating or fire features require 24V power to function. The transformer ensures that these components receive the proper voltage to operate safely without overloading or damaging the system.

Why Do You Need a Transformer?:

  • Compatibility: If your device requires a lower voltage (like 24V), a transformer is necessary to convert the higher incoming voltage from the main power supply to the appropriate level.
  • Protection: Using the correct transformer helps protect sensitive electronics from the higher line voltages, reducing the risk of overheating or malfunction.

How Does a Transformer Work?:

  • Two Coils: A transformer typically consists of two coils (the primary and secondary) wound around a core. When an alternating current (AC) passes through the primary coil, it induces a magnetic field that generates a current in the secondary coil. This process either steps up (increases) or steps down (decreases) the voltage, depending on the design of the transformer.

In short, a transformer is an essential device that ensures your outdoor patio heaters, fire pits, or other systems can safely operate on 24V power by reducing the higher line voltage to a compatible level.